Stem cell transplantation is well and truly underway in Pakistan
Stem cell transplantation using bone marrow stem cells is an amazingly useful treatment for a variety of congenital blood disorders, malignant and a few nonmalignant conditions. In some diseases it is the only curative option, physicians are left with. And for some types of cancers it is the only lifesaving procedure.
The basis of treatment with stem cells is to completely restore the bone marrow function and to rebuild the immune system. Previously these miracle cells were collected from bone marrow but now they can be easily collected from peripheral blood using methods e.g. G-CSF injection and stimulating stem cell release from marrow to blood vessels.
There are two basic types:
1. Autologus stem cell transplantation
in which hematopoietic stem cells are collected from the patient and re-infused after treatment, genetic alteration or chemotherapy. This is the treatment of choice for lymphomas e.g large B-cell lymphoma, Hodgkin Lymphoma, and testicular germ cell cancers. It also plays important role in the treatment of Acute Myelocytic leukemia, and multiple myeloma.
2. Allogeneic stem cell transplantation
is the type in which the source of stem cells is not the patient himself but a different donor. The donor is first matched with the patient’s specific DNA (HLA) loci. The donors may be parents, siblings or unrelated. These cells are collected from the donor and infused intravenously into the recipient – either readily or after thawing or preservation. Cells derived from Umbilical cord blood units may also be used. This is an appreciable treatment for high risk acute leukemia’s, myelodysplasia, CML. It is also a definitive treatment for most Aplastic anemias.
Dr. Syed Salman Naeem Gilani is a Stem Cell Consultant and Member American Academy of Anti-aging and Regenerative Medicine. He did his Medical Degree (MBBS) in Pakistan after which he went to USA where he did his specialization in Internal Medicine (M.D), (which is usually known as medical specialist here in Pakistan).
He was introduced to the latest field in medicine called Stem Cell Transplant or Cell Medicine. Being captivated by stem cells and the treatments available through stem cell, focused on stem cell transplant since then and did his specialization in Stem Cell Therapy.
Stem Cell Transplant is the latest and most cutting edge technique for the treatment of patients with various illnesses and is becoming a popular option worldwide for the treatment of those diseases that did not have any adequate management available.
Stem Cell transplant has provided hope for the treatment of many diseases that were thought to be incurable in the past, throughout the globe. There are almost 100 individual diseases that can be treated through stem cell transplant today and more and more treatments are being added frequently. Some of the examples of diseases that can be treated through Stem Cell Transplant include, Neurological diseases like Stroke, Spinal Cord Injury, ALS, MS etc, Cardiovascular Diseases like Heart Attach (MI), Congestive heart failure etc, Autoimmune Diseases like Rheumatoid Arthritis, SLE, Type I Diabetes etc, Musculo-skeletal diseases like Osteoarthritis, Tennis elbow, Frozen shoulder, Muscular Dystrophy etc and skin and hair diseases like aging skin and hair fall to name a few.
There is no lab available in Pakistan today that can process and separate Stem Cells and for this reason he has collaborated with ATI-GEN Cell that is an FDA Approved, cGMP Compliant Cell Processing and Storage Facility in Trabzon Turkey. He has already started treating patients in Pakistan with the help of the services of ATI-GEN Cell in accordance with International Recommendations and the prevailing law of HOTA, MoH Pakistan.
Through his collaboration with ATI-GEN Cell he has been able to add the following features to his treatments that he didn’t have before.
Cord Blood Banking: for treating various congenital disorders, like thalassemia, sickle cell disease etc. and various cancers.
Autologous Chondrocyte Implant: for musculoskeletal and joint disorders, like SLE, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Hair and skin disorders, aging.
Mesenchymal Stem Cells: for cancers and type 1 diabetes, Immunotherapy Products after chemotherapies.